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07/01/2020 - 12:21

University library's opening hours from October 27th 2020

Dear users, With effect from Tuesday, October 27th 2020, the library and its branch, at the Faculty of Health Studies, are open on Tuesday and Thursday only from 10 a.m. to 12. This time is determined for picking up the ordered books. See the details concerning ordering, borrowing and retu…
06/23/2020 - 14:42

Jiří Nožička: Buying Local Helps the Environment

As a specialist on the coronavirus economic impact, macroeconomic development and financial literary, Jiří Nožička of the Jan Perner Faculty of Transport believes that the pandemic will change our financial behaviour and that we will start paying attention not only to weather forecasts, but also …
Objevte kulturní a vědecké akce pořádané Univerzitou
06/23/2020 - 14:37

Filip Bureš’s Team and their Carbon Atoms

It was already at a primary school back in Slovakia that Filip Bureš fell for chemistry. He can recall in great detail all visits to the chemistry lab and the experiments done there. After his father let him have a small lab of his own in his company in Lanškroun, Czech Republic, he has stayed wi…
06/23/2020 - 14:14

Students Waiting to Come Back to the Czech Republic

What university students imagine when they hear Erasmus is a semester spent at a university abroad, travelling around the country and meeting new people. This is what the students of the University of Pardubice hoped to do when they went on their Erasmus stays in January, having no idea at that t…
06/17/2020 - 10:11

Rector: "This is the right time to say thank you"

Dear colleagues and students, We have gone through a period which changed our working and personal lives. This period turned our daily routine upside down and changed comfort into an unexpected challenge. In my opinion, you are as happy as I am to be able to slowly return to the normal ope…